
Is the Supernatural Possible For Me? - Can I Meet Angels Too?

Angels are really popular in new age teaching these days. But to some Christians they hold a mystery also. So for all of you that believe in angels these are my accounts of visitations with angels, not stories that I have heard and am passing on, but my real accounts. I pray that as you read your faith might rise with mine and you too might see angels in your life too.

In this life we all have natural eyes but in the life of some people they also have spiritual eyes. I only got my spiritual eyes in the year 2000 so my first to encounters with angels had to be with Justify Fullmy real eyes and for that to happen I had to meet the angels in the flesh so that they looked and spoke like real people. Some people have spiritual eyes and we look down on them. These are schizophrenics, these people can have both spiritual eyes and spiritual ears though sadly most of them see fallen angels and bad visions that doctors call hallucinations.

The first angel I treated real bad and learned a lesson.

It was over fourteen years ago and I was in the Australian city of Brisbane. As a manic depressive that hadn't had his first breakdown and so his diagnosis and medication that helps, I was walking down the city mall with five dollars in my pocket, of which over half was going to be spent on milk and bread that I needed to buy as I had nothing to eat without buying it. Us guys that suffer this illness seem to spend up big in the first week of our pension payment and leave little to survive the second week. And so here I was quite poor walking as I was saving money and not buying a ticket for a bus.

As I walked what I assumed was a homeless drunk approached me. With full knowledge that he was going to ask me can you spare a dollar I already had my excuse in my head which was going to be "no.". In fact, I really did have two dollars spare but that would mean I would have to take him to a take out shop and ask them for change of my note without buying anything from them and in the second he was approaching I had decided I wasn't going to do that for a drunk that was only collecting for his next drink.

He asked me, "Have you got any money?"

The no was already in my mind as my answer so I spoke it forth with full knowledge that saying no to that different question then I was expecting was a lie. He hadn't asked if I could spare a dollar like they normally do, he had asked if I had any money.

As the no came out of my mouth I felt self righteousness rising up in me to fight the feeling of guilt that was rising too.

He turned his head and walked down the mall dejected.

As soon as he did, the Spirit of the Lord put the verse in my mind, "What you did to the least of my brethren you did unto me."

I was powerfully convicted and quickly forgot about my milk and bread and went after the homeless drunk to give him my five dollars. He had gone around a phone box and I ran to it and when I got there I was shocked. He was nowhere in sight!

There was over a hundred feet between the phone box and the next wall that he could be behind and he could not have traveled that far!

He was nowhere to be seen and I ran down there and looked and was quite distressed that I had rejected one of the least of the brethren in that way.

I have always had a two way conversational communication with Jesus and so I asked.

"What happened there Lord?"

"Well besides lying to that man, you judged him. You need to learn not to judge people Matthew."

I felt so sad. I couldn't work out how the man had vanished and I couldn't shake the powerful teaching and rebuke I had just got. I couldn't make it right with the man as I couldn't find him so I repented to the Lord and continued to walk home.

As I stopped at a set of lights and waited to cross the lights at an intersection a man came up to me and asked me if I knew where a street was in the next suburb. As a taxi driver by profession I did know where it was and explained how he could find it, naming how many sets of lights he had to go through and the streets he had to turn on.

When I finished giving him directions, he took out ten dollars from his pocket and went to give it to me. I said he didn't need to give it to me and he told me that it was an important meeting he had to get to and it was worth the money. I pushed his hand away and he brought it back and placed the ten dollar note in my shirt pocket and turned and walked off in a rush. For twenty years people have been approaching me for directions, I simply must look like someone who knows where to go and yet never has any person tried to give me money.

I started to cry as I crossed the road. Now I felt even guiltier as I had fifteen dollars in my pocket instead of the five I was already guilty of.

"What's this about Lord?" I asked.

"If you do my will Matthew, I will always look out for you", was the answer I got.

Years later I saw a scripture in the Bible, a command of Jesus that says. "Give to every person that asks of you and from him that steals from you don't require it back."

It is very rare that I refuse anyone that asks me for money these days. I find when I haven't got any money to give people simply don't ask me. And I have never gone without a meal without it being my choice in all these years.

On the day I encountered my drunk homeless man I knew in my heart that I had met an angel but years later Jesus told me I had met Gabriel his arch angel in the flesh in a good disguise and not looking very holy at all.

It makes me wonder have we all been approached by an angel that we have refused or has it simply been me?

The day I met my second angel my mourning was turned to joy

It was about three in the afternoon. I was sitting on a Taxi rank waiting for a radio job or a walk up in a university in Brisbane when a man in a suit with a briefcase approached the cab and placed his briefcase in the back seat and sat up front with me.

"Hi how are you", I asked.

"I'm good."

"Where can I take you today?" I asked as I pulled out and took the cab to the road that led out of the university.

"I'm of to the airport thanks."

"How was your day", I asked.

"I have had a good day. But right now we are going to have a cab ride all about you. How are you going in your life?"

Sometimes you answer "fine" to people when you are really going through stuff. It's not polite to burden people with your problems. Though in the cab, I found many people felt very free to share pain in their life with me. Us drivers who do our jobs well are all some kind of counselor who takes you where you want to go. On this day I didn't hold back, I shared with him that I was in a court custody case over my son. I shared not only was I in a case with my former wife, but in order to prove that what she said in her affidavit about me was not true, I had actually proven that on six times she had knowingly lied under oath which was a criminal offense.

"The scriptures say that we should not take our brother to court," he told me.

"But what about the lies she told about me?" I asked.

Plenty of people said lies about Jesus. They are still saying lies. But Jesus commands us not to take our brothers to court before non believers. You can settle out of court.

"But I can't get my way."

"What is best, to obey Jesus or have your way?"

"Yeah." I said.

"You can be sure God will honor you. You will achieve nothing proving her to be a criminal, better to be reasonable and talk it out and come to a settlement you can both agree to."

He went on and on asking questions about my life. Every time I came out with a worry or a struggle he quoted a scripture that if believed by faith took the worry or struggle away. Then he went on to ask me about what I wanted to do with my life and speak some really life affirming scripture into my life and told me that God is not a liar and if I had been promised something in scripture or in prophecy I could bank on it.

When I got to the airport all the problems in my life had an answer, all my worries were gone with scriptures he had planted into me and I was really joyful. He wrote me a check that is used for Taxi rides shook my hand and I drove off.

I had driven fifty feet and I was convinced I had just spent time with another angel and I pulled the cab over and wanted to confront him and ask him if he was an angel. I searched the whole airport and I knew it well and he had vanished.

Years later I asked Jesus if this angel had a name and he told me it was Michael his arch angel.

At the time it was hard for me to accept and you might be asking the same question. Why had I met the two angels mentioned in the Bible? Both very powerful angels?

I asked Jesus why such big and important angels Lord?

His answer?

"To build your faith Matthew."

The first time I knew I had angels all around me and a big one in front of me but I couldn't see them with my spiritual eyes.

Two times in my life I have had what seemed like a spiritual hit put on my life. Two times someone on the enemies side has called down a fight for me where people with evil spirits in them are all roaming around a suburb looking for me to do me harm. On the first time I don't know who did it, I suspect it was the women with the Jezabel spirit in her that I was with. While I was with her I think she called down an attack on me.

I know she dropped me off at my home suburb and this big angry sort of guy slowed down in his car and had a good look at me. As I walked nervously home, he circled the block and came and had another good look at me and I was really scared as I am not a fighter.

He really wanted to do me harm but he saw a few other guys with me that wanted to do him harm and like many violent men he wasn't sure of himself being outnumbered on that day. On that day I had no idea that I had angels standing next to me, all I know is he had to very evil looks at me, a total stranger to him and he wanted to do me harm.

He drove off the second time and I made it home.

On the second occasion I was at a church service with an anointed healer. I had like about three little disciples that followed me and did what I said and we went to hear this man preach and go for ministry. When the time for ministry came I told each of them to go forward and I came with them. They weren't sick but I wanted to hear what the healer was going to prophesy or pray over them. As I was standing next to one of my guys and shrieked in pain and said to me that he had a really bad pain in his leg and could I fix it.

The healer was busy doing his thing with someone else so I asked Jesus for help and asked what to do. Jesus said, "Lay hands on his leg and say, 'I rebuke you Jezabel'"

So I did it as Jesus had told me what to do. When I said it a women that had supposedly been slain in the spirit shrieked out really loud in pain and moved across the floor about eight inches off the floor from one side of the room to the other in midair as she screamed.

The healer looked at me and at her and had no idea what had just happened, but I knew straight away that she was sending the pain into my friends leg and she was no nice Christian prophetess that I thought she was, she was both Christian and evil and had knowingly been cursing my friend with some form of witchcraft.

We didn't hang around for supper, we left right away. I was quite concerned. As we walked to the station to catch the train that came every half an hour I said that we were not going to wait at the station and have a confrontation with her, but we were going to go for a little walk and wait for the next train.

Well a deep foreboding came over me that another spiritual hit had been taken out on us. A car slowed down and had a look at us and I moved us into a side street away from the main street. I made the mistake of telling them what was happening and one of the people who had less faith then me and was more scared of violence then me almost began to cry. He was whimpering. Right then in the block of apartments directly above us a woman came out to the second story balcony in public and took of her top to expose her breasts.

To four young guys this might have been attractive and a reason to stay and gawk, to me this told me that Satan knew exactly where we were standing and this women was told by a demon to take her top off and stand and keep us at that location. I told the guys Satan knew where we were and now there were cars on the way and we had to move. I met reluctance to move due to men's lusts and a car pulled into the street and I got really nervous wondering if it were just a co-incidence.

My whimpering friend started to get really loud. By this time I was confident angels were turning up and I thought they could hide us behind them but I was concerned that the men getting out of the car might hear my friend. I told him to be quite, He wouldn't be quite. I told him I would hit him and knock him out( my fleshy idea) and this made him whimper even more. I thought about getting the two other guys and running and leaving him behind but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

One of the guys had seen an angel at my parents house the week before in the spirit as a vision and had seen my face glow as God spoke through me that night also so I knew he had spiritual sight.

I said that I was going to pray that he could see the angels around us and then prayed. He reported that the whole road was full of angels and in fact what we thought was a cloud in the sky was not a cloud but a legion of angels ready to come to our help. He reported this all to my whimpering friend and still he cried.

I was pushed and wasn't sure the angels around us could baffle sound. So I thought. Jesus is the Messiah and King of kings. But this is warfare so He isn't needed. Michael is in charge of the army I will call for him.

I said by faith, "Michael come here."

Well if I thought my friend was making too much noise with his whimpering what happened next I will never forget for the rest of my days and was no delusion of my friend that had the spiritual sight. He suddenly pointed to the sky and began to scream at the top of his lungs until he fell to his knees with his head bowed screaming.

I knew right away that his fear was the fear of the Lord and Michael the chief of the Lord Jesus Christ's army of angels had arrived shining very bright and fully dressed in battle armor.

The screaming of this guy put my whimpering mans whimpering away as now he knew by faith that something very scary was in front of us.

I asked my spiritual sight man to ask Michael what his name was. He reported to us that the angels name was Michael and he was the arch angel. I asked him to ask Michael if it was safe for us to walk to the station now and Michael said it was.

So calmly we all walked past the car and the guys and walked to toward the station.

I felt in my spirit that Jesus was walking with us so I asked Him.

"Is that you Jesus?"

"Yes Matthew."

"Can you do me a favour Jesus?"

"What is that Matthew?"

I love Jesus for that question. He the all knowing Son of God knew what was on my heart to ask him, but he still asked me what I wanted. I love that about Jesus, when he speaks, he really makes you express yourself and doesn't second guess you.

"My friend really saved the day here with his sight and his scream. Can you appear to him and speak to him." (My friend was an ex Jehovah's witness which was now a baby born again Christian)

"Sure. Stop him and tell him what I am going to do and I will do that for you"

So here I was. All my life I wanted to meet Jesus in a vision and this was the first time I had ever felt him next to me and I was asking him to appear to my friend. My greatest wish!

I stopped my friend. Told him what was going to happen. Told the other guys to move away and a few seconds later I saw him drop to his knees and start to cry and speak to the air.

Then we left in a train and spent the whole night fighting with witches and all sorts of dark evil people who came to a restaurant that we were in trying to get us kicked out. I firmly believe outside the restaurant someone was waiting to do us harm away from the cameras

God grants me spiritual sight as he answers my prayer

One day I did something really huge for Jesus and he asked me to give him a prayer request like God asked Solomon for one. I asked if I could think about it and I remembered this scripture verse in ACTS.

Acts 2:17-18 (New King James Version)
17 ' And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,

That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,

Your young men shall see visions,

Your old men shall dream dreams.

18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants

I will pour out My Spirit in those days;

And they shall prophesy.

At that stage in my life I had already prophesied but I had never had a prophetic dream and never had a vision so I asked that the Lord Jesus, my personal friend would if he would be so kind grant me dreams and visions.

From that day onward I began to see angels with spiritual eyes in visions.

My favourite angel and how he blessed my heart.

One day I was with my whimpering friend from the past story. We were having something to eat and drink early one morning. We had been up all night. He was sad because it was Valentines Day and only months before a fiancé had broken up with him and he was sharing a lot of his pain.

All of a sudden the whole eatery of about two hundred feet wide filled up with angels and I suddenly got distracted. I told my friend to stop for while, it was a huge amount of angels and I wanted to see what they where here for. He took a look behind him for a second and then began to speak again so I just ignored him (rudely some might say, but he paused for about five seconds and convinced I was out of my mind he continued.)

I asked the Lord, "What is going on?"

He said, "it's a day for lovers. It's a sad day for your friend, we thought you might have a treat for a while." ( I can't name my whimpering friend as this might cause him a lot of embarrassment if people knew his name)

"Oh." I said.

"Can you see the angel that is five seats back in the row on your left in the aisle seat facing you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"His my cupbearer."

I only understood that as a person that is like a personal servant to the king. Like a personal valet that prepares his bath and lays out his clothes and dresses the king or something like that. Later on the phone my mother informed me that it was a lot more then that. She said in ancient times kings used to be poisoned so the cupbearer would personally take sips of the king's drinks and eat the king's food before the king consumed them so that the cupbearer would die and not the king if they were poisoned.

Just thinking he was the personal valet to the king it was for the first time in my life I ever came face to face with my dream job in heaven. If this person was always with the King and serving him they would always be around to hear him preach and would also be around as the king relaxed and spoke in private.

As I looked at the angel I was suddenly overcome with love for him. What an angel? What a job to personally serve the King of Kings day in and day out in earth terms as there is no day and night in heaven. Here is was away from the Master and down here to say hello to me.

I got up and told my friend that it was time for us to leave. As I came to the cupbearers seat I leaned over and gave him a hug and said, "I love you mate." (Aussie word for friend.")

As we walked out into the public where people were around my friend kept asking me if I saw that person that was staring at me. It happened three times. I wasn't aware that people were looking at me, but I might have been glowing with an anointing that day as I had a couple of hundred personal angels with me.

Angels bring peace and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit

Some people might shoot me down in flames here for saying this but in the churches that I have felt the thickest and most powerful anointing of God's peace the whole church has been full an angles with their arms raised to the Father and Jesus in worship with the saints.

Often in worship I have seen women angels. Yes, women angels with woman's figures dancing ballet to the Lord. Sometimes I see them with ribbons being raised through the air and sometimes they haven't had ribbons.

One day I met a Korean girl in this prophetic church I went to start to do this free worship ballet to the Lord and I was mesmerised as I was when I saw the angels dance. I told her that I had seen angels worshipping the Lord in dance like her and it greatly blessed her heart that I had told her that.

I am a big supporter of dance in worship but few churches are free enough in the Spirit to allow dancing in worship.

I have seen mighty big angels flying though the roof going around flags as people in this prophetic church waved them in the air as they worshipped. Those flags bring a spiritual force to the worship and angels turn up, really big ones and fly all around.

I have twice seen choirs of angels singing in church and twice the Lord allowed my spiritual ears to hear them singing. They bring a huge anointing these choirs with them, and they love to join the saints in worship.

The time Gabriel came to my room and told me he had a scroll to read me and I was to prophesy what he said

One time Gabriel came to me as I was in bed ready to go to sleep and told me he had a message for the world and I was to type it and publish it. Here on EzineArticles each reader can see how many people have read each article and what people might have made in a comment on the article but there is one figure the readers don't see. Other website owners use this website as a resource for their own websites and every one have the right to republish each article of merit here as long as they post all links at the bottom. They press a button on the article and this website gives them the computer internet language to republish the article with its active links in it. One sign of a good article as an author you have written is not so much how many people have read it but how many websites have re-published it.

I am pleased in the last year that the prophecy that Gabriel has given me has been reprinted on no less then 150 websites. It makes me glad that this many people think it really came from an angel, the same angel that came to the prophet Daniel. I am also glad Gabriel was sent to me as a real angel this time and not a homeless drunk that I let down.

His prophecy is called Fear God and Give Glory to Him, for the Hour of His judgment has Come - Revelation 14:6-7 and can be found at the Article source link below.

I have met Michael many more times

On special occasions with Jesus I have often met Michael again. I don't know any other angels names. When they fill rooms with me in I often don't ask for names I am simply blown away that they are there.

I firmly think I can meet angels in the flesh again but there seems so need as when they come to see me I can see them in my mind with my spiritual eyes. I can see the colours of their robes and clothes and if they have anything in their hands and can ask them anything I like. Sometimes I walk down the street and they line the street on both sides of the road and form like an honour parade for me and wave to me.

You too can see angels.

Ask God that he grant you the ability to see visions.

I hope your learned something. There are many other stories, times where I met Jesus and went to heaven, but they are in a three article series that goes into my supernatural encounters with God that are already published.

God bless