Body Painting,Body Art,Women Body Painting,Male Body Painting,Henna Body Painting,Face Body Painting,Nude Female and Male Body Painting,world body painting festival ,body painting photos ,body painting gallery.
The 2010 World Cup started last June 11 2010 and will end July 11 2010 in South Africa. This is the first time that the tournament will be held in an African Nation. The FIFA World Cup is the sport that is most watched internationally. The soccer tournament is the most significant sporting gathering not only because of their well skilled popular team or country players, but also because of each National Team's hot female beauties that took part in the current 2010 body paint.
The beautiful hot female beauties that took part in the current soccer games 2010 body paint used impressive art as way of body make up. The hot female beauties have their body only painted while exposing themselves in the World Cup 2010. These hot female beauties with their bodies only painted have contributed much to the success of the worlds most prestigious and sought football tournament or the FIFA.
The World Cup 2010 work of art on the sexy female models features sexy outfits that quite resemble the different jerseys of the FIFA soccer tournament 2010 players depending on the country they represent. Some soccer tournament 2010 body paint features sexy swim suits underneath the skimpy FIFA soccer games 2010 jerseys. The way that the jerseys are painted in each of the body of the hot female beauties is an artistic feat that is out of this world.
Major Beverage Manufacturers are getting creative and are body painting attractive promo girls to boost their sales. Painting their brand's logo on a sexy promo girls body has been boosting their brand's image like no other marketing tool ever used.
Miller lite Girls are getting their bodies painted and getting more attention for the Miller lite brand than ever before. Have you happened to see how beautiful a girl looks after she has had her body painted?
Body Painting an attractive promo girl with a hot body is able to stand out among all the advertising noise in the market place. Marketing companies are getting creative by painting their logos on a girls breast to grab the attention of the beverage manufacturers targeted audience.
Beverage Manufacturers have to pocket out $1000 minimum to get a great body paint artist to paint their promo girls. I had 2 Miller lite girls at Dinah shores in Palm Springs and they had their bodies painted to resemble a Miller lite body. The art work was amazing and not to mention the girls bodies really made the body paint artist look really good.
The Miller lite promo girls received $300 per hour for this one weekend event. I have since seen many companies use hot body painted models to gain the attention of their consumers whether at a car show, trade show or a new club grand opening.
These Beverage manufacturers are budgeting millions of dollars towards this type of advertising.
They see the return on investment as an unmeasurable success. I did a casting in Hollywood for 4 girls to get their bodies painted for a major liquor and I had over 200 girls show up. The amount of beautiful girls in Hollywood that wanted to have their bodies painted was astounding. I even had girls that wanted to get their bodies painted for free.
African body art is used by men and women for various functions. They include but are not limited to festivals, feast celebrations, daily attire, beauty and force. They also differ from area to area.
The Maasai of East Africa apply body art on the celebration of the festival of the Moran or warrior. During this celebration, the warriors wear fabrics tied around their waists and beads around their chests. They also paint their legs white and their torsos with red ocher. They wear their hair in tiny braids also colored in red ocher.
The Turkana people from Kenya also use clothing, beadwork and hair styles to display the status of men and women. Their body art includes beads around the necks and hips of younger girls. Those entering puberty wear a special cloak made of leather and adorned with a band of white beads. The men trim the hair on their forehead to create a smooth hairline and so cover the rest of their hair with colored clay. They also express their own style by wearing ornaments made of shells and some wear ivory lip plugs.
The Ga'anda in Nigeria express their body art by giving young women scars at each crucial stage of their development into womanhood. A married woman displays a refined design of raised skin covering her stomach, back and shoulders.
Among the Kao people, boys learn to apply painted patterns on their bodies once they become young men. They are allowed to play with various colors and patterns which compliment their characteristics and aesthetic tastes.
In addition to the vibrant colors of African textiles and clothing, body art plays a substantial role in the expression of African style, beauty and identity of the different tribes.
So one can see that when its comes to the art of decorating the body, for the various tribes the choice varies and one can also say limitless and fascinating.
"Crazy feelings of love can make you wobbly, out of balance, and finally ill if you don't listen to the stars that shine from within." Marta Luzim
I believe life is a series of trapeze swings. What happens when you let go of one trapeze bar and you are left flying in mid-air? This is where I found myself six years ago when my mother and sister died four months apart. My mother passed away in a psychiatric ward, unconscious on a feeding tube because she refused to eat. Her heart couldn't take the strain. My sister chose a long suicide of breast cancer. She made the decision following her diagnosis to simply die, no treatment. Eight years prior, her husband had succumbed to leukemia and at that time my sister attempted suicide and failed. When she discovered the lump, she found her way out without any intervention. My sister kept her diagnosis secret for two years, until the week of her death.
The moment after her funeral ended, I began to relentlessly regurgitate. This was the beginning of a chronic condition that caused me to vomit without provocation, sometimes leaving me incapacitated for hours. After two years of misdiagnosis, I found myself in a hospital with a rare digestive disorder called Gastroparesis ---a partial paralysis of digestion. I had lost the beats in my stomach that allowed food to move down ---anything I tried to ingest - even water - got stuck and came back up. To make matters more difficult, I was told that this condition is most commonly found in diabetics, which I am not. The ailment I had is called idiopathic gastroparesis, meaning the cause of my symptoms are not known beyond that is it associated with severe trauma. I called it a broken stomach heart lined with terror and grief.
As a healer experiencing this agonizing setback, I knew I had to rise like the proverbial phoenix from my own ashes. My story has everything: grief, remorse, guilt, anger, death and reincarnation. Not the reincarnation of the dead, but reincarnation of my inner self that I had lost through irrational, routine rhythms of life.
When we go to the exhibitions of figurative paintings, we find mostly the artworks that depict nude females. And surprisingly most of the painters who paint these nudes are men. In most of these paintings the curvy parts of female bodies are depicted for visible purpose of attracting the attention of viewers. Very often this type of depiction is meant to satisfy the voyeurism of the viewers, and not the persons who are really interested in the art of painting. such paintings have used the nude female body as an object and not as a subject of artistic depiction.
However with more women painters entering in this art of painting nude females and males, the scenario has changed drastically. The female nudes painted by women artists look like subject of the paintings, instead of the object for looking at.
A woman artist also paints the breasts and other body parts of the women models, but there is a wide valley of difference in her painting them, so far as the basic attitude of taking nude female body as an object is concerned.
The painting in general and the paintings of body of a cloth-less woman in particular had remained the 'bastion of male painters' for a long time. It had made the art of figurative painting more or less male oriented. Paintings were done as seen from the eyes of males exclusively.
Many a time, on seeing these paintings, especially of the paintings depicting unclothed beauty of a female body, we tend to believe that these pieces of art are painted for satisfying the male gaze only. The artists who painted these females looked prejudiced in highlighting those parts of a female body where the males 'invests' their eyes much and would take pleasure in looking at the same.
However the scenario is changed a little bit now. If the paintings done by some of the modern women painters are any evidence, the story is taking a decisive turn.
The painting in general and the paintings of body of a cloth-less woman in particular had remained the 'bastion of male painters' for a long time. It had made the art of figurative painting more or less male oriented. Paintings were done as seen from the eyes of males exclusively.
Many a time, on seeing these paintings, especially of the paintings depicting unclothed beauty of a female body, we tend to believe that these pieces of art are painted for satisfying the male gaze only. The artists who painted these females looked prejudiced in highlighting those parts of a female body where the males 'invests' their eyes much and would take pleasure in looking at the same.
However the scenario is changed a little bit now. If the paintings done by some of the modern women painters are any evidence, the story is taking a decisive turn.