These tattoos are PERMANENTLY awful | Horikyo Tattoo Design

I'm shakin' for a little Cl'aiken! If I were invisible...I'd be a much better tattoo!
The worst tattoo mistakes | Horikyo Tattoo Design
1-Do not tattoo someones name or portrait
See also : Gwyneth Paltrow expresses love for Chris Martin with a ‘C’ tattoo!
2- Do not get a cheap and nasty tattoo
As Kat Von D from the hit TV show LA Ink says:
"Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. Far too many times, people choose an artist based on price. That should be the last priority on your list when it comes to getting a tattoo." (Source
3- Never agree to get a tattoo when you're in the wrong state of mind
If you're drunk, depressed or under pressure, don't get a tattoo done. You know it's a whim when you find yourself in a tattoo studio and you hadn't even considered getting a tattoo the night before! It's good to be spontaneous, but not with something that will last you the rest of your life. Source
4- Choose the right design
5- Finally, the tattoo and aftercare
Horiyoshi Tattoo Design | Horikyo Tattoo Design
Horiyoshi III,nació en el año de 1946, en Shimada (Shizuoka) y es considerado uno de los maestros de este arte japonés , fue tatuado a los 21 años por Horiyoshi II en su estudio ubicado en la ciudad de Yokohama. Horiyoshi III, was born in 1946, Shimada (Shizuoka) and is considered one of the masters of Japanese art, was tattooed at age 21 by Horiyoshi II in his studio located in the city of Yokohama.
En 1971 se convirtió en el discípulo de Horiyoshi II y posteriormente fue su sucesor (1979). In 1971 he became the disciple of Horiyoshi II and later his successor (1979).
Actualmente el trabaja en su estudio de Yokohama, en donde ha abierto un museo del tatuaje en el que se pueden conocer la historia y costumbres del tatuaje en la cultura japonesa. Currently working in his studio in Yokohama, where he opened a tattoo museum in which you can discover the history and customs of tattoos in Japanese culture.
famous tattoo artists | Horikyo Tattoo Design
Gracias a Booth el tatuaje ha pasado de ser algo marginal a ser un arte reconocido como tal. Thanks to Booth tattooing has gone from being a marginal to be recognized as an art. Su estudio de Nueva York se llama The Last Ritos Tattoo y entre sus clientes están sobre todo gente del mundo del Metal y el Rock como Phil Anselmo de Pantera, los componentes del grupo Slipknot o su amigo Ozzy Osbourne. His study of New York is called The Last Rites Tattoo and its customers are mostly people in the world of Rock and Metal and Phil Anselmo of Pantera, Slipknot members of the group or your friend Ozzy Osbourne.
Burlesque and Tattoos Design | Horikyo Tattoo Design
The burlesque, with roots in commedia dell'arte, was changing shape from the Victorian era, which was a musical parody. Ya en el siglo XX, en los music halls de Estados Unidos, se conformó el género que ha llegado a nuestros días: una mezcla de cabaré y vodevil, con música, magia, contorsionismo y un strip-tease final. Already in the twentieth century, music halls in the United States, was formed genre that has come down to us: a mix of cabaret and vaudeville, with music, magic, contortion and striptease final. Todo con una pátina de humor picante. All with a veneer of spicy humor. En los noventa surgió el neo burlesque, pero hasta que Dita von Teese se paseó del brazo de Marilyn Manson por el mundo, el género no saltó del underground al gran público. In the nineties came the neo burlesque, but until Dita von Teese walked arm in arm with Marilyn Manson in the world, gender did not jump the underground to the public.
La Dita española se llama Vinila von Bismark y es la estrella de la noche. The Spanish called Vinila Dita von Bismarck and is the star of the night. "En Madrid hay garitos que incluyen actuaciones con inspiración burlesque, pero nadie hace estas galas tan completas, con un concepto detrás, maestro de ceremonias y todo", dice la lideresa de Krakovia. "In Madrid there are gambling that include burlesque-inspired performances, but nobody does these galas as complete, with a concept behind, master of ceremonies and everything," says the leader of Krakow. Antes de salir a escena, Mambo Tabú, en quimono y con labios de purpurina roja, la presenta con un monólogo grandilocuente: "Esta es la fiesta del poderío de la carne, aquí huele a látex, a fetichismo, a humo... Os vamos a hacer viajar en el tiempo". Before going on stage, Mambo Tabu in kimono with red glitter lips, presents a grand monologue: "This is the celebration of the power of the flesh, this smells like latex, fetish, smoke ... I we do travel in time. "
Alternative models Tattoo | Horikyo Tattoo Design
Elaboración de modelos alternativos pueden ser vestido o desnudo. Development of alternative models can be clothed or naked.
Elaboración de modelos alternativos fue dado importantes medios de comunicación de cobertura en la última década, en parte, a través de la creación y divulgación de la comunidad de sitios basados en modelos alternativos, como GodsGirls y SuicideGirls. Sitios de la comunidad alternativas de modelos promovió sus modelos por su personalidad, así como por su aspecto Development of alternative models was given major media coverage in the last decade, partly through the creation and dissemination of community models based on alternative sites, as GodsGirls and SuicideGirls. Sites of the community promoted alternative models his models for his personality as well as by their appearance